Ayurvedic fruit salad
Our food should be fresh and juicy in summer, as the sun tends to dehydrate us. An Ayurvedic fruit salad cools, nourishes and yet strengthens the digestive power. Recipe idea ayurvedic fruit salad: Cut 3 ripe fruits, for example mango, banana, apricots, apple, pear, grape into bite-sized pieces. Squeeze pomegranate seeds and juice from a [...] Read nowBeneficial puerperium
Childbirth is a great effort, both for the mother and the newborn. From an Ayurvedic point of view, the 42 days after giving birth play a very important role. In addition to a six-week rest after the birth, the following overriding factors are essential to draw new strength and stability. Nutrition during the postpartum period […]
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