Recipe of the month:
“Sex on the Beach”
Vacation feelings at home? With our recipe of the month, a real classic among cocktails, the "Sex on the Beach" from our bar lounge of the Giardino Ascona, you can easily reminisce about the sparkling moments during your stay at the Giardino Ascona in your own four walls, or mentally beam yourself to the beach [...]
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Recipe of the month: “Lavender Tonic”
Giardino feeling for your home? No problem! With our recipe of the month, the "Lavender Tonic" from our bar lounge of the Giardino Ascona, you can easily remember the great moments of your stay at the Giardino Ascona with a cocktail at home, or get in the mood for the upcoming stay. Here is the [...] Read now
Our recipe of the month:
“Giardino Mountain Spritz”
Giardino feeling for your home? No problem! With our recipe of the month, the "Giardino Mountain Spritz" from our bar lounge of Giardino Mountain in Champfèr, you can easily remember the great moments of your stay at Giardino Mountain with a cocktail at home, or get in the mood for the upcoming stay. Here is [...]
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Perfect Weekend in Locarno
There are thousands of good reasons to travel to Ticino, one of which is that during autumn and winter, the “sunniest corner in Switzerland” is exceptionally charming. But what to do when time is limited? Here are a few tips – all the locations are easily reachable on foot or by bike from Giardino Lago. […]
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